Friday, January 7, 2011

A year of motivation!

Happy New Year! Lets hope that this year will bring as many joys and challenges that every other year has bought, and speaking of this year, I can happily announce that I have successfully crossed off one of my 2011 resolutions

...learning to flip a pancake.

It was a wonderful thing to have learnt! I feel quite excited. Added to that, my husband and I have committed to shaving our heads to raise money for Shave for a Cure. I bought a skipping rope, a DVD player and we just got back from a good 40 minute workout.

I have friends having babies, getting married, doing study and enjoying their lives to the max despite circumstances out of their control.

There will be a new cat, a savings account, a new learning opportunity and hopefully a year of good health in my year. There will be a birthday night picnic, significant improvements in the relationship between me and Elisa (my sewing machine), and a successful portable vegie garden out the back.

With my keep cup and awesome thermo lunch bag by my side, I'm sure for a good year.